Our Conscious efforts
As a new age brand, born out of the pandemic, sustainability is at the core of KiRu.
As our name suggests we believe in being kind to the planet and the people.
Our conscious effort primarily stems two ways. Social and environmental.
We resolve to Inspire a transition to conscious responsible fashion by informing young
consumers on the impact of their actions on the world, now and in the future.
Our brand ethos include:

We are dedicated to social and environmental well being and are constantly finding more sustainable and ethical sources for our raw material. We often connect directly with weavers and dyers in order to be transparent with our sources.

As a sustainable lifestyle and fashion brand we want to uphold our vision even behind the scenes. Safe environment and fair wage are two key factors for production.

Our packaging is carefully curated for a safe and eco-friendly delivery, packed in cotton pouches covered in oxi-biodegradable mailers. We are working towards being 100% natural with our packaging in the near future.

Our country is rich with indigenous crafts that have been deserted or wrongly appropriated over the years. Through combining their traditional techniques with contemporary design, we hope to expand their lifeline and create unique products.

Dugster our mascot
Dugongs are an endangered sea creature found in the Indian ocean.
When we came upon an image of a dugong for the first time we felt a jolt of joy owing to it's compassionate eyes and almost 'smiling' face.
Through our mascot we hope to spread awareness about endangered wildlife and work with other communities to help out in any way possible.
As a HUMANE brand we hope to:
Be open-minded
Be transparent
Be authentic
Be unabashedly honest
Be Kind