KiRu (Kindness is 'round us)
"Stories come in so many forms, your clothes tell the warm kind!"
- Ru
We are a sustainable, gender-fluid, homegrown clothing and lifestyle brand working towards creating a unique blend of traditional craft techniques with modern day ergonomic designs for the youth.
In so many years, everyone recognizes that the fashion industry is the second most polluting
industry in the world, but continues to indulge in fast fashion and buying products that may be
extremely harmful to the environment. As a sustainable label, we aim to be affordable, stylish and a
household name in the young person's changing lifestyle.
We work with artisans across India to create artisanal, versatile, and ethical clothing to wear the way you want, to embrace the way you are!
Designed by Ki and Ru keeping in mind comfort and the need to feel good in what you wear.
The overture of KiRu was back at university where Krithika and Ruchika met first. They decided to create a brand together because of their similar style sensibility and varied interest in design.
KiRu expands to the words ‘Kindness is (a)'round us’.
Meet KiRu

KiRu Community
Be open-minded - express yourself
Be transparent
Be authentic
Be unabashedly honest
Be Kind
We hope to build a community of like-minded people who know their personal impact on the world as it is.
We are committed to build a circular economy while empowering and uplifting our artisans across India.

KiRu commitment
We are also working towards the UN sustainable development goals to better ourselves and intrinsically understand the need of the hour locally and globally.